So on with the giving... my brother's birthday was at the beginning of November, and because he didn't want anything specific from me...he did what all good husband's should do and let his wife decide what I should make for him!

Good choice, huh? This is a fabric banner. I made it with some corduroy scraps, felt, ribbon, tulle, and a gold "rope" that I found on the Christmas ribbon aisle at Hobby Lobby. Here is what the scraps were left from...

So this was the birthday/ Christmas present from last year that I FINALLY got around to making!! Since I missed the Christmas season, I was told that it was no rush as long as they had it for THIS Christmas!! I cut it pretty close, but sent it back with my sister this past weekend! Here is a close-up of the embroidery design...isn't it pretty?

We decided to go with simple and quick...a pillowcase dress and a bib, can't get much simpler than that! And since the next time my BIL's family will all get together again is Mardi Gras, that is the designs she chose.

A pillowcase dress for an almost 2 year old.

And a bib for a 9 month old. The back is a super soft fleece.

"Oh and by the way, can you make me something for my boss' baby boy?"

I love this flannel. I have tons of it and plan on making PJs for my children...someday!

It is kinda "Christmas-Retro", don't you think?
So, while I am working like CRAZY to get this all done for good friend Jane calls me up and asks if I have a shirt for a "Birthday girl"? I can make one for you.

It was a rush job, and EMMA is not centered....oops. But she loved it anyway and that is all that matters, right?
Ok..I've had this since the end of October, but waited until Thanksgiving to give it to my Momma. It put me ON TOP of the "Favorite Child" list!

It is all of the grandchildren, and was made by my bloggy friend Melanie!! She is super SKILLED in the ways of Polymer Clay! And as you can see...custom orders are welcomed!! Go check out her Etsy shop!! TONS of beautifulness going on!! And she just finished the Princess Collection...they are too sweet!!
Ok, NOW for the RECEIVING!!

My friend Beatrix has been SPOILING me!! She sent me this little ornament because I DIDN'T win her giveaway!! How sweet is that!! I can't find my little note that came with it, at the moment..but I will tell you about it when I do!! And then she surprises me with THIS:

AWESOME, right?? And those little sayings...SO ME!! At least that is what my husband says!! HA! And it came with this little sachet filled with the calming smell of fresh dried Lavender!! MMMM!

AND, I just received her Elise Doll .pdf pattern to "test"! So far, I am loving it!! I will post pictures and do a "proper" review when I am done!
So...THAT is what I've been up to...with LOTS more to post at another time because it is 2 am, and I am TIRED!!! Until later...
That is a lot of work on your part, and a lot of lovely things you were given. :-)
I hope your mother likes her present. That is pretty cute.
Wow... 2am... You sure pack em in!! But you get a lot done too. Great presents !!
You know, I read this five days ago and started to hyperventilate!
There is so much to comment on in this post, I'm sure I'll miss something I wanted to say! I LOVE the Merry Christmas/Tree design. Very cool! It looks so elegant on the place mats too! The flannel...great! PJ's would look so nice. Speaking of that, guess who had on her bloomers last night? I almost took her picture, but after the Christmas Card mess, I rethought that impulse. The fabric banner is very festive! The grandkids ornament is so sweet too. I'll have to go look at the link you attached for that. I just started my Christmas baking and still have a ton of shopping to do. I think we are birds of a feather my friend...we thrive in this season! :)
such cute stuff, as usual! take care of yourself as the days get closer to christmas, hope your gift arrives soon!
Wow, and I thought I'd stayed busy with Christmas-related projects (the majority of which I haven't finished yet.) That Christmas fabric that you love is adorable and PERFECT for pajamas!!
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