What have I been doing? Well, where do I begin.... This week was Symposium Week at Ms. Priss's school. And the AWESOME PTC put on a GREAT one. This year's theme was Science. And I got to be in Dr. Loopy's Laboratory!! Yes, I actually went out in public dressed liked this and had my picture taken! But it was loads of fun and for a good cause!! We worked our collective bottoms off getting things ready for Tent Day, which was Friday! We had 5 tents this year, which is less than usual, but the kids spent more time in each tent, so it worked out great! As I said, I was in Dr. Loopy's Lab, where the classes came through and did an experiment. We did the Cabbage Test, which involved lemon juice, baking soda, Fabulosa, and 409 each dispensed in separate containers. Then the kids added stinky red cabbage juice to each one and depending on which color it turned, learned which was acidic and which was basic! The other experiment, which was for the older classes, involved putting Calcium Chloride and baking soda in a ziploc then adding Red Phenol to it. The mixture bubbled then turned hot and air expanded in the bag so it had to be "burped"!! See, LOADS of fun!! The kids got to wear goggles and gloves during the experiment, then when it was done walked out back to watch what happens when you mix Mentos and Diet Coke!

Here is our tent...
We also had a Weather tent.
The kids learned about volcanoes, clouds, tornadoes, snow, and hurricanes!
In the Human Body tent, the kids learned about organs and blood and various body parts. They got to sit in an Ambulance and a First Responder vehicle and learn their jobs. There were also some kids from one of the High Schools that volunteered to give "check ups".
The Bug Cafe was cool!! Besides learning about bugs, the kids got a treat of mud, dirt, and even a juicy worm!! Of course it was chocolate pudding, crushed oreos, and a gummy worm....but still!
I got my embroidery machine back, but haven't tried it out to see if they "fixed" my tension problems. I also managed to get my serger working properly and have decided to become a sewing machine repair technician!!! Hey at $100 a pop....I can SO LEARN TO DO THAT!!! :) Until later....
WOW! What a busy week and an awesome job all you parents did. I bet the kids had a lot of fun. Did you charge for having your picture taken? He, he. Looks cute!!!!
What a week indeed! I wish I lived nearby so I could have wandered by for a look. Was that a costume you had on? Kidding! What FUN!!!
Glad your machines are back and here's hoping they are ready to perform. :)
That is pretty awesome. I bet the kids had a great time.
Awesome tents! Wow, we never did anything that awesome and fun when I went to school--lucky kids! And what a fun way to learn about science!
And crossing my fingers that all of your machine goodies will be working again :)
I want to go to that school, lol! And I really want a pair of those stockings - too cool!
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