So anyway....with all of the "Wardrobe Re-fashioning" going on around the sewing blog world lately...I just had to get in on it!! Instead of doing ALL NEW outfits for Thanksgiving, I took a second look at the outfits I did last year. This first one is for Ms. Priss. I did the shirt, but didn't have anything to go with it so decided at the last minute to do a quick skirt. It was long and straight and not very flattering, but she wore it because I made it for her.

So this year, I wanted to make the skirt a little more "girly" and a little less "maw-mawish".

Next up, the Middle Child's outfit:

The shirt was just a little t-shirt that comes in a 3 pack, yes a boy's undershirt 3 pack....sigh! And it was REALLY short this year!! But the turkey applique was a little too "girly" to hand down to The Boy this what to do?

Viola!! I added a ruffle to the bottom of the shirt to lengthen it! Now, I have never done this before and the knit tee stretched a little as I was serging the ruffle on and made it a little "out of shape" looking. Any suggestions for this technique?? I really like the concept of adding a ruffle to an existing T-shirt, but don't want this to keep happening, so if anyone has done this with more successful results....TIPS are WELCOME!! :) As you can see, I also used my serger to "cut" the armbands and neckband, and added a little more "girly" to it!! Now the pants were actually the Boy's from last year...but too short for him to wear again. So I added ruffles to the bottom hems to add full length for the Middle Child!! It is so cute on...she has a Thanksgiving Feast tomorrow at her Pre-K, so I will take pictures of it on...then you can see all of the "cuteness" for yourself!!
Now, all I have left to do is a shirt and another pair of pants for the Boy!!
I also have something else in the works. But first let me tell you about my GENEROUS and TALENTED friend Amy......she sent me this:

Very very cute!!
Gosh I wish I was a little girl in your household! LOVE those ruffles!!!!! Way Cute! :)
Lazy my foot!
Those are so stinking fun! As for stretching and the ruffle, it might help to stitch the ruffle by machine first and then serge the seam allowance. Then you can go really slow and carefully. I keep hearing this, but I haven't tried it yet (because I'm lazy)too--a strip of interfacing at the bottom of the knit can help with stretching too.
Very cute and matchy, matchy! Very creative in reusing last year's outfits.
I also wanted to suggest what emadethis said: some interfacing on the t-shirt helps and/or prior pinning and handbasting.
Girl you are GOOD!!!! Love all the girly touches!!! Enjoy your time with dh!
good blog....................................................................................................
Adorable! Hey... don't you have some type of shop that you could include on WFAs Support Handmade Holidays? If you do, send the info off to Michelle at
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